Thursday, May 20, 2010

"The King"

Wednesday the 19th of May 2010

Australia 3:26pm

Austria 9:26am

I love it when the sun shines so brightly after a gloomy nights' rest.


Today I received my proposed flights to spain. I am so excited. But right now I am just trying to figure out how I am going to get to Paris. I'm thinking of asking the family if I can finish on Saturday the 1st then will get a train to Seville where I'll catch a flight. Then on the 5th return back to Seville and Pamla, just in time to go with them to Malaga where I will board my flight back home. I hope they will agree, but first I will google how much everything would cost me and also speak to Justine. I too must ask the family but I think I will do this once I'm there after they grow to love me then I'll spring it on them. It would be so lovely to see the city and eat a croissant below the Eiffel tower. It would be so lovely to see dear Justine.

Photograph taken Tuesday the 17th of May 2010



Proposed flights..

AB 3726 am 26.05. Linz Palma 11.55 14.05

AB 7912 am 26.05. Palma Seville 15.00 16.30

AB 7989 am 06.08. Malaga Palma 17.15 18.45

AB 3727 am 06.08. Palma Linz 20.45 22.40

Preis: Euro 450, 76


I am just so grateful my parents will be paying for this flight, this means more moolah for me to spend on what I wish, like a trip to Paris for the weekend.

I just worked out what I would make in the 9 weeks I am there, a mere 630. I made this in just 2 weeks work back home.

I'm excited to go exploring later on, but My Uncle Eddy will be coming over about lunchtime my Tanty said, so I must wait till after lunch to go out into the sunshine, sweet sunshine.

Australia 4:19pm

Austria 10:19am

Yes I did just make a blueberry and apple strudel. Ok so I had some help. A lot of help.


I can't wait to eat it, but it's too early to put into the oven, so I must wait.

Australia 5:01pm

Austria 11:01am

The smell of strudel wafts through the house, it's intoxicating.

I finally got around to putting clothes on. The sun has made me so happy I've decided to do the "Floral" today. I also managed to put 4 holes into my stockings, without even leaving the house, oh how lovely.


Australia 6:27pm

Austria 12:27pm

Finally lunch time came round and I got to eat that strudel. Another thing I love about this place, they eat DESSERT for lunch. My lips are a very bright purple right now, everyone's were I did have a bit of a giggle about it. i think it could

possibly sleep time right now. A nice short nap sounds perfect about now. So until awake from my slumber.

Australia 10:07pm

Austria 4:07pm

Ok, a nap was a bad choice. I managed to sleep all the way through till 3:00pm. Oops. My Tanty had woken me up explaining that we were leaving in an hour to Gunther who was going to be driving me home. I'd thought he would be picking me up from the apartment, again I had translated wrong. So I had to be up and out of bed to leave, soon. I was packed and ready and even managed to fit in a small meal. On my way out I was greeted by some mail men, some very good looking mail men indeed.

I'm not too sure whether the buses are actually free but I am pretty sure that I haven't paid for one yet. Hopefully I'm not committing some horrible crime. I will have to ask my friend once I return home once more.

The sun's gone away again and the outdoors was once again too cold. I had to change into something much more appropriate for the weather.


Military Jacket, CHECK!

I also found out all I have to do to get close enough to the city to walk is get on the bus 27 I then stay on it until I see some familiar landmarks then get off and start my walk, probably a long one but better than getting lost within the city. I do not mind catching the buses here, the driver's wear suits and they have televisions, they're clean and big so everyone has a seat, no graffiti can be seen and not much rubbish is disposed of within. The roads are tight however, and I cannot look out the window because I'm afraid we'll hit something sitting a bit too close to the road.

So I'm sitting here now looking at this tiny car with only 2 seats and no boot. I'm sitting here now looking outside and watching the rain fall. I'm sitting here now missing each and everyone of you, everyone all.

Australia 3:10am

Austria 9:10pm

Just got back from the King's house, I repeat, I just got back from the King's house.

So as I was walking up the stairs to my front door the King's mother told me to visit, how could I resist? So when I was in I made myself a feast and managed to make a right mess of everything I touched. I then made the most of being home alone. So it was nearing half six and I thought I better be on my way, hoping I would not be interrupting their dinner. I was there till late, 9:00pm. Checking all of my connections. Tomorrow I promised myself I would post this blog, so tomorrow I must awake and make the phone call so I may post this for everyone to see.

Moon, it was so lovely talking to you tonight, I miss you so very much and wish you could be with me here. every moment. Have fun at work tomorrow and with Sam Friday and take care Saturday getting drunk.

Goodnight Mr. Jake my Mac.

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