Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Forgotten memories."

Thursday the 13th of May. 2010

Australia 2:43pm

Austria 8:43am

So it's been 2 days. I have had so much fun, I cannot stop smiling. I know I'm going to have the best time ever. I admit, I was worried that I would be too afraid, too ashamed to go do things, but that fear has been erased and replaced with nothing but pure assurance, that I will have a an amazing adventure.

Wednesday the 12th of May, my first day awake and out in the world. I awoke at 9:41am. My grandparents took me down to the store to purchase some goods for breakfast. Some fresh bread and turkey. I then came home to a feast, I ate 3 sandwiches, and believe me they were not so small. My Opa and I were then off. On a mission to lodge my Austrian passport. First for a photograph, then to the shire, the bank then back to the store and home.

By this time I was more then a bit peckish, so it was time to eat yet again. Schnitzel was on the menu, my absolute favourite dish on the planet, so of course I had to over eat. So the only thing I could do after this monstrous feast was sleep. I managed to stay under for 4 hours. I felt horrid once I awoke because I'd told my best friend Viki I would visit her at 11am and it was now 3:30pm. Oops. I then was asked to go flower shopping with Oma and Opa, how could I resist?? So about 4:30pm I finally made it down to the otherside of town, with a smile that could not be wiped from my face, to a meeting place, a football oval where they waited, waited for me.

It's been 2 years since I've seen her, 6 years since we actually sent some time together, having fun.

We talked for long.

She invited me to go with her, her boyfriend Pepi and others to party. Though they kept reminding me "It's not a party, it's just a few hundred people getting together on a farm to drink", they also kept telling me that "It would be shit, and not fun." But I was up for anything, and to me this sounded so lovely, so of course I agreed.

That night I had much too much vodka. But it wasn't my fault a young man bought me the bottle, to be fair, we did share it. I then went a bit crazy when the cover band started playing songs I was familiar with. I don't remember how I managed it but I ended up with a bruised foot, multiple cuts on my fingers and a tender thigh.

I don't really remember much after the vodka. My memory is lost. I don't remember remember the boy, I don't remember the dance, I don't remember the kiss, I don't remember the ride home. I am a bad person.

"Death would have been so much sweeter"

The morning after I felt like "fuck". It was horrid. All I was capable of after the drive home was sleeping in the sauna then sleeping in my bed. That is all.

Myself and Viktoria


Of course there was a drunken toilet picture.


They are a lovely couple


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