Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Linz truly is one beautiful city."

Monday the 17th of May 2010

Australia 10:55pm

Austria 4:55pm

I felt like a sleep in today. But that did not happen. I awoke this morning to a knock at the door. My Opa was asking whether I was awake. "Well I am now" was my exact thought. I opened the door and looked right at him with my sleep deprived eyes. He told me we were driving to Linz. "Whaaaaaaattt!?" Was my reaction, I was told we were leaving on the morrow, probably translated the message wrong. So I was up and out with only an hour to pack and get ready. Shower, throw clothing in bag, breakfast, put clothes on, then out the house and on our way. I had actually thought that maybe I'll go for another wander into the forest but in a different direction, but I guess my plans were erased and others took place. The drive felt much shorter than it really was. First we had to stop at the hospital. Then my Great Aunt's apartment, where I would stay, then to my Uncle Arnold's office, at Tigerline. We all then went and had lunch together at a little cafe inside Interspar. I ordered the fish and potato, with zucchini, garlic butter and the chef's "special" sauce, it was delicious. Then we went grocery shopping while my uncle ran some errands. After the grocery shopping we met my uncle back at his office so I could steal the internet. I was not able to blog but I was able to check up on it and my emails and facebook. Thank you Michelle for making my blog look how I'd like it. Thank you Spain for your email. Friends, thank you for all your kind words and concern. I enjoy hearing from you and I enjoy filling you in on the goss from the otherside of the world.

The sunshine that makes my day


Today really was a lovely day. After all the other stuff was done myself and my Tanty Rosy went into the city to explore. She showed me the city. We walked, across cobblestone streets, through vine covered alleyways, past wishing coin filled fountains, past bicycle stands, past people and ice cream, into hat stores and onto a train, through a museum to an old, gothic Catholic church.

I walked within





She treated me to a ride on this cute, little, yellow tourist choo choo train. The "Linz City Express"


The ride lasted about 30 minutes, it was really quite quaint. Only myself and Tanty sitting alone in the 1st carriage. The train took us through small alleyways and out onto the street, down to the dock and past renowned cafes. Up to a concert hall and past a church.

The architecture. It's so ancient and gothic in so many ways. Yet there are so many new, modern and exciting buildings thrown amidst.







On our way again we passed a cafe which supposedly had the best ice cream. Of course we ventured within to try their sweet treats. I ordered the "klein ice", which loosely translated means "small ice cream" twas 2 scoops of ice cream. I would have liked the mango, but they were out. So instead I order the strawberry flavour and hazelnut flavour. It was absolutely "Derish" I really did enjoy it. While we slowed down and rested within those big red couches I was suddenly overwhelmed with text messages and phone calls. I was in such a haste to answer them all I dropped my purse on the floor and everything spilled out. Oops. Thank you everyone.


How are you Langing? where are you now?

Emily cleaned the house today and bought me an eggplant as a surprise, I have tears in

my eyes because I know my kids think about me. I'm happy you're having a good time.

Who pay for your expenses? does Tanty Rosy spoil you. Regards to her,

tell her I love her. I just finished work. How many degrees there now?

Make sure you write her address in case you get lost. Are you both going to Arnold's house,

when? Tanty Rosy is a wild travelled person she always in Czechoslovakia, Italy, Spain.

Love you so much, Take care and Goodnight.

It's funny, because my mother could not even wait for a reply, she just kept on texting.

In response to Gabrielle's text messages:

Gabbi I miss you so very much and don't you worry, I am excited for the sexy, sexy men in Spain.

I promise to leave one for you. Maybe a few, because I love you so much.

I like to let my mind wander as I sit in and look out.


I really liked the painting in the background, but my boof of a head covered it in every photograph.


Australia 1:32am

Austria 7:32pm

I love how may Tanty laid everything out. She even lined up all my toiletries, hung up some of my clothing and put a small koala bear on my bed.

Australia 4:17am

Austria 10:17pm

It is nearing, the moment my eyes will shut and see things only my subconscious is capable of conjuring up. Goodnight room, Goodnight Linz, Goodnight world.

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