Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Feria Festival, Cordoba"

Australia 7:06pm
Austria 1:06pm
Spain 1:06pm

The days have been so much better, so much easier. I'm finding it hard to blog everyday though, not as easy as I'd thought. Though I have the whole mornings to myself I still find the time impossible, with all the sleeping and all.

So I spend the mornings alone, then have lunch with my "Spanish" family, I then spend some quality time with the kid's doing as they wish. I then take 1 for English class then they do their homework while I watch the little one, Jacobo. I then take the other one for English class then play some games. I then watch which ever needs minding then usually finish with a movie because by the end of the day I am spent.

The kid's here are seriously bred to be party animals, they want to stay up longer than I do. They do not go to bed till about 11pm on a weeknight, these are 8 year olds we're talking about here. I fall asleep watching them watch television.

The first day was hell, the second day got so much better.

Today is Sunday the 30th of May, a comfortably warm day with a slight breeze. However the yelling inside the house is a tad disturbing. It's unnerving that I cannot understand what's being said.

Yesterday was a fun day indeed. Morning was take care of kiddies time, I cannot even remember what I did with them. But the afternoon was something entirely different. Myself, Hayley, and Brooke decided to go into one of the neighbouring cities Cordoba for the Feria Festival. There was certainly alot of colour. Most ladies were dressed in the traditional dress, it was lovely. The only problem was that the whole day we got ripped off.

The tapas, ripped off. The taxi ripped off. The monkey man, almost ripped off.

The day was so culture enriching, I spent the day with a smile upon my face. The fact that the Heineken beers were only 2 Euro, made the day so much better. The bull ride, well that was something.

Cordoba's Feria.
Me and Canada

Me and UK.

That's a funny 4 Euro.


The bull we rode.



Palma on a midsummer's night.



Today I sit on the porch knowing the day will bring me plenty of sunlight, and hopefully a chocolate brown glow, "swinging by the pool."


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