Saturday, May 15, 2010

"To watch the world fly by with such speed is so very thrilling."

Tuesday the 11th of May 2010

Australia 9:02pm

Austria 3:02pm

So I'm sitting here waiting, listening to the one and only Lykke Li. A space between myself and the gentleman beside me.

As I write this, I should be in a slumber. But here I am writing, here I am listening, here I am watching. Writing paper and pen, listening to the thrum of the engine, watching the world fly by.

I watch out the window of this aircraft, watch everything drive by backwards.

Dear Dubai,

I find your wether not nice, not at all my "cup of tea." The sky's a sepia haze and the ground is nothing but dry cracked earth. I look forward to a blue sky. To rolling evergreen hills and imaginative clouds. I have long awaited this day to return home, and now I am here, home sweet home, Waldkirchen.

"Construction hats flew past as buildings rose towards the sky. The sky, a place where I seek my inspiration."

Sincerely yours


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