Saturday, May 15, 2010

"A day in Passau"

Australia 1:51am

Austria 7:51pm

Today I spent the day in Germany. It was lovely.

11:00am I got a phone call from Viki, asking whether I would like to go spend the day with her and her mother in Germany. Of course I agreed, even if I only had 1/2 an hour to go put clothes on. She picked me up at 11:30am. The drive was beautiful, everything about this place is beautiful to me. The drive was short only lasting 30 minutes. Finding a parking spot however took a while and the streets are all so small and difficult to manoeuvre through.

I did a bad thing, I did a very bad thing, I bought clothes, something I should not have done, but did nevertheless. I now have a new outfit for something, something to come.

The items:



It truly is a fairytale here,cobble stone streets are lined with hedges and ancient buildings, with climbing vines reaching for the sky. Everyone wears coast and carries umbrellas. Everyone smiles, everyone is happy, including me.

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