Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Palma Del Rio's teeny weeny markets"

Australia 4:36am
Austria 10:37pm
Spain 10:37pm

I have discovered, only recently that my bathroom recieves reception from the wireless internet. So I sit here on this bathroom bench writing this to you.

Monday was meh, nothing exciting happened, infact I cannot even remember what had passed yesterday. I know I spent the majority of the morning frying but then the kid's came home and I was to mind them and take them for English class.

Here the day's blend into one. I have no perception of time. I have no perception of date. I have perception of nothing at all.

I do know that last night I decided I wanted to go into Palma for the Tuesday morning markets. So I wall posted both Hayley and Brooke and asked whether they'd want to take a stroll into town, they wished to join so we'd agreed to meet on the morrow at 9.30am. I was late of course, but turned put we all had been. The walk into town was long, really, really long. I never realised how far away the "centre" of town was. So we finally made it into the market's.


It was nice, apparently only half the size than usual, probably most the stands are still recovering from the Feria. After we walked into Libz which is a supermarket, a normal supermarket none of that bulk buy shit. I purchased some macaroons, yes Michelle it has taken me 18 years and I'd had to travel half way around the world just to try a damn macaroon and the pistachio one was "derish." We then walked down the shopping strip which was much more than short, with the "best" clothing store being called "Celop" which apparently means slut in some other language, "Oh my, oh dear." The rest of the stores were "Chavey" as Hayley would put it. So we made our long way back home. I then pulled out the bikini and sun bed and spent the rest of my free time by the pool. I am slowly but surely becoming what I have always wanted, a sexual chocolate. So the morrow will again be spent "swinging by the pool" then minding the children.


Thursday we plan on going into Cordoba and this weekend The family will be going away to Malaga. To their flat by the sea, where I will join them. "Oh how lovely"

I am looking at some people's photograph's and am deeply disturbed.

Good night world.


  1. the great thing about waiting 18 years and going half way around the world for some macarons is probably it's price, I bet they were cheap! here it's too hard to handle ;)

    miss you!

  2. I paid E3.99 which is about $5.70 for them.
