Thursday, June 3, 2010

"One whole week."

Australia 5:05am
Austria 11:05pm
Spain 11:05pm

It's been one whole week since I have been here. I am beginning, no, actually I have already grown to love this place. The weather and certain parts of the landscape remind me of home, it's so very comforting to me.

Today I did not awake to my alarm but instead to a wretched motor of some sort. I still do not know what it was but it was horrid. I tried to block out the noise but it was too strong. So instead I read, and read and read until I was late.

I was to meet Hayley and we were to walk to meet Brooke so we could catch the train into Cordoba at 10am.

Shopping time..
The train ride seemed much longer than last and when we finally got to the city it was quite warm. There were so many nice things to be bought but I have to be careful of my money. I cannot spend and buy as much as I would have liked because I do not have the room in my damn luggage case. This is an extreme low. But I will find a way to bring back all the treasure I will/have already buy/bought. I need to make a list, a list of gifts, a list of souvenirs, a list of items to purchase for me, and others.

Home time..
We walked through the park towards the train station, on the way I saw a little stall selling "Spanish snails" (I do not remember the proper term) I could not bring myself to try one, I just looked away. I wanted to take a picture but the departing train kept me from doing so.

I cannot believe it has already been an entire week. I am happy it is flying by though, because as much as I love it here I cannot wait to go back home to Austria and tell everyone of my Spanish adventure. I cannot wait to speak German. I cannot wait to see my dearest ones, my friends, my family, my everything.

I could not post all the items, some are gifts for friends abroad.

The train station

The tracks we must cross

Cordoba's shopping street


Damn you sexy spectacles











Stolen from my bathroom

Dear Michelle, I have started your package I'm so excited to finish it, it will be swell. All items arriving from Spain. "Oh wow, lovely."


  1. oh wow lovely! :D Sheena I am so excited to be getting your package! Oh when I receive a package from a different country I always say "oh now I've literally touched "that country" and I'm sure I've told you this many many times on our afternoon tea dates ;)

    Today me and my Ma drove past your house as we were on our way to Thrifting and I couldn't help but have my heart strings tugged with a little sadness, but I am so swell your having a lovely time. When you come back shall you teach me some Spanish? :)


  2. I still need some more things, but it's so difficult choosing the right items because everything here is so nice.

    You have never told me the about how you felt about recieving the packages haha.

    Well what I know is much more than basic haha. Like a vocabulary of 5 words haha.

    I miss you.
