Monday, June 28, 2010

"The pain is just too much"

Australia 8:38am
Austria 2:38am
Spain 2:38am

"I want out"

Nothing has ever come close to making me want to leave. I am such an optimistic person and so easy going that nothing has ever bothered me. But not tonight, not tonight. I spent the hour long walk home in tears. I cried because I hurt. I hate that I don't speak Spanish, I hate that I am lost here in a world so different from my own, I hate that I'm in pain.

I will never leave though, never leave till it is time. I love the family and they adore me, so I will stay and be here for them all. I am in love with Spain, but I just don't seem to fit right in, no, not yet. I look forward to the weekend, a nice one by the sea. I look forward to the FIFA final, a nice one by the sea. I look forward to returning home, to Austria where family and friends await my return.

I miss everyone so dearly. But soon, but soon I will see you all again.

1 comment:

  1. dont give up S, you have the opportunity many people are waiting to behold. You can do it precious, M. if you need to talk then just email me love ♥

    hope everything will be okay, and it will be *hugs*
