Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tear stained pages.

My name is Sheena Perndorfer and I am to travel Europe over the next 8 to 9 months.

Ok, so this feels kind of, really weird. I never saw myself writing for an audience, but here I am typing away. I'm not too sure what to say, there is so much on my mind. There is constantly so much on my mind. I am definitely a thinker.

You know, I always wanted to write a blog. But I never saw anything exciting or extraordinary about my life, nothing no one would find interest in, until now. I find myself on such a big adventure. One I will not regret, one I will throw myself into, be consumed completely and utterly. "21st April, I fly out." This is what I did say, now I must alter that statement, "11th May, I fly out." Thank you Mr. Volcano, yes you, the one causing all the havoc in Europe. I was so ready to get on that plane and fly away. But thanks to the fucker I am stranded, here at home, Rockingham.

So much has happened since I graduated.

18th November 2009, my final exam. Fuck it felt good when it was over. To know, that is it, it is over. English, Discrete Math, Art TEE, Dance 2a/2b, Biology TEE, all done. To know that good things were going to start happening, and that I was, somewhat stress free. Exams, I do not love you.

23rd November 2009, LEAVERS. eggggggcellent, really it was. To all those who missed out, and thought "Maybe it wont be that good, It's not worth it." Sorry but it was, completely worth all the money, all the braincells, all the agbs, all the pain, all the scars, all the tears, everything. Ladies, I had the best effen time with you. Would not change a thing. Staying in that little holiday shack with the 4 of you was lovely. Those 7 days of drink was, well..unforgettable. I would do it all again, everything exactly the same. The raves were insane, black and white, Superhero, Bogan, and Fluro. "Fuck leavers, AARRGGGGGHH!!" Ring of fire (death) you fucker. Green team, I love you.
This is the Fluro rave
This is the popo's paddy wagon

3rd December 2009, my Valedictory ceremony. Was such a lovely day, I can now say that I do miss school. I miss the easiness, I really do. Not the work load, no definitely not that. But how I could walk into a classroom and see everyone I needed, everyone I wanted. Now I have to make coffee dates. I have to actually make an effort to see and "catch up" with someone. It really sucks. I miss the uniform, yep I said it, and I'll say it again, "I MISS THE UNIFORM". Nothing too shmancy but it was so good not having to worry about what was going to clothe me. I would just pick it off the floor and throw it on my back. I miss my packed lunches. Getting up in the morning and packing my Finding Nemo lunchbox was lovely. Searching for goodies in the pantry and fridge. Making yummy things the day before. Now I cannot be fucked. I wake up and throw something together all in the space of 10 minutes, not always delicious. I miss the advice, the advice given by both teachers and peers. Whenever you have a worry you just talk. Someone was bound to have gone through what you were, and could always help you out. I miss the hang out. Our little lunch spot. 1 drain surrounded by 4 concrete benches. Where we'd all sit, together. I miss the "togetherness" of "us" It gets difficult with time, but we do try. School, I love you.
This is "us"
This is truly inspirational

27th December 2009, I departed on a budget flight to the Philippines. Some of the best times of my life were spent there. I love family, they really do complete a person. I never thought I could become so close to someone in such a short period of time. "Crissa, I love you", you and me make such a good drinking team. I miss you everyday. The whole 4 weeks was not long enough. I want someone to invent a teleporting machine, one that makes you travel at the speed of light x10000000000000004 so I could see you, see everyone everyday at the flick of a switch. Every moment of this short holiday was amazing, even possibly getting rabies from the cute little puppies in our farm yard, backyard. A few things I will never forget. Clubbing with about 10 of your cousins is crazy. I managed to spend P8000 which is about $200 on that night. Hotel, multiple drinks, entrance, security guards and food included. What I remember was amazing, I love the fact that I really didn't give a shit what other people thought, all I wanted to do was have fun, and lots of fun I had. Being a tourist around Kabankalan was so lovely. I love how everyone thinks your famous because of your skin colour, and I love that I am a mammoth over there. I love being the extremely tall one for once in my life. Mag aso falls, you are the love of my life, you are one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. You show me there is a God. The Sinulog festival was amazing to experience. The costumes were out of this world, so colourful, unique and did i mention bejeweled? Each tribe coming forth with a new routine, all in the run for a grand prize. It was steaming hot and I was definitely charcoaled, and greased up. I had such a lovely time dancing in the field in the pouring rain, to sweet sweet music. Travelling to Bohol was beautiful, Jasper and Jeremi you are my brothers. The scenery is just beautiful, everything is green and alive. The people are so friendly, I love it. The floating restaurant was one of the coolest rides I've ever been on. The food was delish and the entertainment came on a mini boat, Singing his little heart out. Let's just put it out there, our tribe, "Pornhoffy" definitely gave The "Ati" tribe a run for their donated money. Chocolate mountains, which according to Jasper "They're just giant boobs" are really something. Who knew something so random could be so, beautiful. The manmade forest, the teeny weeny Tarsier monkeys, the butterfly sanctuary, the tourist stop, the creepy church, Prony the oversized python, all of it was incredible. I cannot wait to make enough money to do it all again. Philippines, I love you.
This is my family...well most of them
This is Incredible
This is my brother
This is tribe pornhoffy
This is me at Sinulog
3rd April 2010, I went camping. So a bunch of us lovelies went down to Preston beach Mandurah, for a weekend away, a weekend away from flush toilets, away from electricity and civilisation. A weekend filled with drink and lack of food. A weekend of forgotten memories and unforgettable times. A well and truly, "Shit time". Joe, you are a legend. So saturday night 3 of us drove down, Kayla aka the moon, George and moi. Of course we got lost, and ended up driving though some gates marked private property, bunny rabbits bouncing around the wheels of the car, surrounded by hip length grass. Locks down and lights on. Could have sworn we drove into some serial killers yard. Not good. After admitting to the "lads" that yes, we were lost, we were on the right track. And soon into our quaint little campsite. First thing we do, Pop open the boot and pop open the wine, vodka, Jim bean. "No, we are not alcoholics, I swear." Well that night, I remember most of. Filled with endless laughter and babbling voices. A tent filled with Joe, Sam, Jake, Me, Scott, Kayla, and Georgia. Hmmnn..."Shit time", is all i can say. We woke to the joyous sound of fucking birds, "kill me now". Late morning we were off, time to find ourselves a shower, a nice frosty cold beach shower, with the wind howling, just the way I like it (sarcasm). We return to half a camp, that's when I thought to myself, right I think it's time to open myself another bottle of wine, and down goes the Chardonnay. But of course it's reasonable, 12 noon is happy hour when out camping. Late afternoon we hear Pauly chugging down the white gravel road. Gabbi, Amy, and Darcy have finally arrived. The "us" is complete. BBQ time, finally I fill me stomach with food, glorious food. Then time for vodka, not good. This is when the memories are lost. I remember piller dancing, I remember lying, I remember taking pictures, I remember the late night walk, I remember kissing, I remember some, but not all. This was truly a wonderful memory to have. This was truly a "Well shit time". Camping, I love you.
This is the bon fire
This is me the walking "silent" disco

10th April 2010, The date of the notorious "To infinity and beyond" Futuristic/Space themed party. All the 200 who entered got well let's just say, extremely intoxicated. I'd just like to put out there that it was pretty close, if not a skins party. There was drugs, there was sexy time, there was damage, there was trashiness, oh yes there was. What I remember I had a lovely time. Us girls had spent the day decorating, and it turned out insane. The dance floor was so, so trippy, with the dark room, UV light, bright colours and of course glitter. The red "Sexy time room", with the cushion covered floor. The "Shot room" with it's white table and 2 chairs for people to go head to head. The alfoiled toilet, thank you Amy for this step into the near future. The random garbaged backyard with the silver drip trays and moon rocks. The spacey, good taste music, none of the "Doof doof", sorry blob of cheese. this night was definitely one to remember. Thank you everyone who made it, what it was, total futuristic trash, I love you.
This is me piller dancing
This is Amy the bestest
This is forgotten
17th to the 18th April 2010, The night I turned a momentous 18. So I started the Saturday night with a guest list of 70 friends and family. A lovely asian feast which was absolutely delicious. 5 cakes and bottle of champagne. I managed to make $1000 that night. All going towards my Eurotrip extravaganza. I ended the night being sick at a car park. The imbetween is somewhat lost but I will try. One of my bestest Amy, who is also 18 was going to escort me into the city for a night of mayhem. First off my Bestest friend Gabbi Hall drove us 5 lovely ladies to Secret Harbour in hopes of a party, too much nakeyness for us so we left. Found a construction cone on the side of the road and decided to pick it up for a ride. Made some glorious pictures then kissed it goodbye and out the window it goes. We were then dropped off at the train station (Amy and I) and started the 45 minute journey up to the city. We amazingly never ran out of things to say. But it's like that, I never run out of things to say. We then walked through Northbridge searching for the Deen where my lovely cousin Jasper and his misses Jane was, waiting for us to clubclubcbclubcclub with them. So we waited then drank then found them, then drank some more then found a little hallway to take pictures. Drank yet again, then danced. Met some friends then drank. Then got told "We cannot serve you any more", according to the bar tender I was too intoxicated, and Amy was too intoxicated. I do remember making some real seedy bald guy buy me a drink however. Oh my, oh dear. We then decided to move to another place, Capitol. The walk was long, and I definitely have lost my memory of it. According to everyone I found yet another construction cone, and thought it would be funny to put it on my head and walk the streets of Perth. Of course I could not see where I was going, so my dear friend Amy was guiding me. I do not know whether to laugh or be ashamed. I think I'm going to go with laugh, haha. It then all goes downhill from here. We got to Capitol, but as we were sitting beside the building I was ill. Definitely not a good look. Everything about the night, made it good, made it another memorable night. The bad does no matter, because it doesn't over shadow the good, the great. Thank you to those who took care of me, thank you for a good night, I love you.
This is the birthday cake
This is the car cone
This is the car park

21st April 2010, was meant to be a momentous day for me. I was meant to start the trip of a lifetime, to travel all alone. But due to the ever erupting volcano in Iceland my plans have been put on hold, for now. I am currently on 3 waiting lists, my travel agent, Carlie trying to weasel me onto the soonest flight possible, though I want to leave now, fly away to the unknown, I want to stay here, stay in the known for a little while longer. Stay with my friends, be "us" for a while longer. Saying "maybe" goodbye was so hard. It hurt so very much. I don't want to think about the phone call that's going to decide the time and date of my departure, the thought pains me, it really does. So I guess till that fateful day when I will walk through those boarding gates into the "duty free zone", I will be living out of a suitcase. Which is not lovely at all, and I've only been doing it the 1 day, "Shit time". Oh wells, it will all be worth it, I know it will. Volcano, I do not love you.

This is the false alarm, not goodbye Jon, not yet
So until that day I will keep close to friends, for it will be a while till I see their familiar faces. I will keep telling family, "I love you, I love you", because it will be a while till I see their familiar faces. To everyone who read this blog, I love you.

Sincerely yours
Sheena Perndorfer

P.S. My pictures are worth more than 1000 words.

I thought I'd leave you with my "When I'm sad" playlist, it is lovely.
1. Tonight 3:26 Lykke Li
2.Woods 4:45 Bon Iver
3.The Special Two 4:26 Missy Higgins
4.Werewolf 4:52 CocoRosie
5.Flash dance 4:36 Hollywood, Mon Amour
6.Hallelujah 6:57 Jeff Buckley
7.Come Away With Me 3:06 Norah Jones
8.Love me tender 2:56 Norah Jones
9.Release Me 3:06 Oh Laura
10.Possibility 5:06 Lykke Li
11.Charles-François Gounod - Ave 2:32 VA
12.Watermark 2:26 Enya
13.True Love Way 4:03 Kings Of Leon
14.Dancing 5:37 Elisa
15.Hide and Seek 4:16 Imogen Heap
16.Little Red 7:04 Kate Nash
17.Real Love 3:55 Regina Spektor
18.The Call 3:04 Regina Spektor
19.Staralfur 6:46 Sigur Ros
20.Sinking Friendships (Acoustic) 4:00 Jónsi Go
21.Clair De Lune 4:28 Suite Bergamasque

1 comment:

  1. S, I'm upset your leaving but I am so happy that your fulfilling your dreams. It's like a clock stops ticking but you know time is still moving. Follow those dreams, let the wind take you to the most beautiful places and come back with no regrets. We will all be here waiting for you, that's a promise. Our tea time tables will still be there waiting for the hot chocolate to come and our sniggles of laughter at random things will continue on. I'm going to miss you S, your "when I'm sad" playlist is so similar to mine - clair de lune, sigur ros, bon iver, elisa, kings of leon, imogen heap and oh love lykke li that song does remind me of you.
